Monday, August 28, 2023

7th-8th Century Anglo Saxons - Lesser Fyrd

 Its been awhile! Lots of losing interest in certain settings and gaining interest in others.

My current project that I've been working on recently is an Anglo-Saxon army geared towards the days of the Heptarchy in the 7th-8th century. In this case, below is a unit of lesser fyrd/kotsetlas (light infantry); single based for the Lion Rampant ruleset.


 A major appeal is that by switching out and adding different models, I can use these in a variety of different armies. Arthurian Saxons, Viking Age Saxons, Visigoths, you name it! I plan on (eventually) building two 24 point Anglo Saxon armies that can fight each other for 7th and 8th centuries battles (with unique command bases for kings Penda, Raedwald, Oswiu, Cynegils, etc) that can be combined for larger battles against a 48 point Viking army.

Another reason for picking the 7th century Anglo Saxons over the more popular eras is that I fell in love with the time period years ago ever since I played the video game mod for Mount and Blade: Warband: Brytenwalda. A "mod" in this case is kinda like a "homebrew" ruleset for a computer game: making changes in code, artwork, mechanics and turning the original game into something new.
In the mod, after creating your character and his or her background (religion, ethnicity, combat proficiencies), you're thrust onto the unforgiving environment that is 7th century Britain. Raid villages and enslave the inhabitants, enter tournaments, swear fealty to various petty kings, explore abandoned Roman ruins, and partake in hillfort sieges involving hundreds of warriors. Fight javelin armed fiannas of Ui Neil, mounted Teulu charges from Dyfed, and even elite Dena pirates wearing unique Vendel armors.
A video by Moscatube that shows an in game battle

Camillian Romans - Equites

This time, I have a unit of Roman Equites as they would have looked during the so called "Camillian Reforms" following the sack of...