Sunday, July 10, 2022



I am quite new to miniature painting and wargaming in general, but I've had a passion for toy soldiers and military history for decades; ever since I saw a diorama of the Battle of Rourke's Drift at my favorite toy store  (alas, $200 was too expensive for an 8 year old and I never did get to reenact the heroic defense against my cat on the living room floor)

Generally, I am only interested in wargaming and learning about pre-WWI conflicts with some small exceptions.

My current projects (in varying states of planning) include:

Polybian Roman consular army

The Niagara Campaign of the War of 1812

Vendean Royalist army

1980s Soviet Mechanized Platoon

Anglo-American War of 1862 (skirmish level)

World War of 1876 (skirmish level)

Future projects I would be interested in:

*Camilian Romans and their enemies (skirmish level)

*Biblical wargaming in the ancient Near East

*100 Years War (Edwardian Phase)

*French army of the early years of Louis XIV

*War of Austrian Succession

*French and Indian War

* Invasion of France 1940 (skirmish level)

So if any of this interests you in seeing my stumble through this hobby, feel free to follow!

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Camillian Romans - Equites

This time, I have a unit of Roman Equites as they would have looked during the so called "Camillian Reforms" following the sack of...